School-Wide Consults

We come to your school and individual classrooms to work directly with directors and teachers to meet the needs of all students. We do this by observing, trialing, and recommending environmental adaptations and modifications, fine motor/handwriting/visual motor strategies, and sensory processing tools.

Our therapist may create sensory spaces within the classroom, review handwriting program implementation, self-regulation program implementation, recommend altering areas of the classroom (for example to limit distractions during circle time), recommend seating adaptations, and so much more specific to your school, classroom, and students. We work directly with the school to implement recommendations to be sure proper carryover and consistency is in place for the success of all students. We believe that inclusion of all students is the key driver to a successful school program.

Education In-Services

We provide educational in-services for teachers and staff members. Educators will learn what occupational therapy’s role in the school is and how they fit in with the school team, break down areas of motor development, how to identify children in need of additional support, what certain red flags may be indicative of, resources available, and answer questions. Topics may be customized to meet your schools needs. Possible topics include but are not limited to: fine motor skills including recommendation on materials and activities to encourage development, handwriting development including foundational motor skills required, visual perceptual motor skills, kindergarten readiness, motor planning and praxis, and how to encourage classroom-based sensory development.