We offer comprehensive occupational therapy services both individually and within small groups based on your child’s needs. We provide services both in office and/or in schools, homes, daycares, and other community locations in the Montgomery County area.



A screening and/or school observation is performed if you have questions about your child’s skill development, to determine if a more in depth evaluation is needed; or if other service providers (ie. speech and language therapy, physical therapy, vision therapy) would be beneficial for your child to see.


The Point will conduct thorough formal and informal assessments to accurately identify the root of the problem, so that therapy focuses on the foundational skills needed for progress.


A treatment plan with an outline of goals will be developed based on your child’s specific challenges and needs. Underlying skill areas are addressed and remediated within OT therapeutic sessions at a rate and frequency specific to your child. Thorough communication with parents/caregivers and the child’s team, we will ensure proper carryover of techniques and strategies to further skill acquisition.


Cortney is available for formal and informal team meetings such as IEP meetings, transition meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and for other necessary discussions to ensure that your child’s needs are addressed and understood by their team. Cortney will share your child’s strengths/challenges in relation to areas addressed in OT, discuss progress, and ensure that all team members implement accommodations and strategies consistently and appropriately across all environments.


Unsure if your child would benefit from occupational therapy? Reach out to Cortney, for a free phone consultation to determine if OT is appropriate for your child.